How I’m Finding My Second Year of University

It really doesn’t seem that long ago since I wrote about my first year of university, but here we are: summer’s long gone, my first semester of second year is finished and the Christmas holiday has come around. In many ways, this semester has flown by and before I could quite process it, I was … More How I’m Finding My Second Year of University

7 Lessons I’ve Learnt From My First Year Of University

So far (and unlike every first year out there), I have refused to post anything online using the corny line ‘first year – completed it mate ✓’. Yet, reflecting on the past 9 months and how they have been the best but equally the hardest months of my life, I think there’s only one thing … More 7 Lessons I’ve Learnt From My First Year Of University

Embracing The University Experience Sober: Is It Really Possible?

It’s that time of year when offers have come in for university applicants, and with plans to go to university comes plans to drink excessive amounts of alcohol. But does this have to be the case? We spoke to University of Portsmouth student Bethany Dean, 18, about how she found her first year of university … More Embracing The University Experience Sober: Is It Really Possible?

10 Reasons Why I Chose The University Of Portsmouth

I’m currently sat in the car writing this blog post on my phone, on my way to stay for a night in a Portsmouth pub before I move into my university accommodation tomorrow. I’ve said goodbye to Harley the cat (SO much unattractive crying took place) and I’m feeling ready to start a new adventure. … More 10 Reasons Why I Chose The University Of Portsmouth